DESIGN YOUR LIFE New Year – New Job!
Seminar for professional change
Design Your Career’ is about developing concrete ideas and strategies for a career change or a new beginning. The seminar is aimed at people who want to improve their professional situation and are dissatisfied with their current situation. Perhaps there are also other reasons to reorient, change and develop. The causes for it can be various: The everyday working life deviates noticeably from the personal conception of a fulfilled life. One’s own priorities or life coordinates have changed. All this can lead to thinking about fundamental and profound changes.
The seminar is the starting signal for your personal professional change!
We will competently accompany you on this path, break up well-rehearsed thought patterns, develop new ideas and subject them to a reality check. In the end, you create your concrete strategy and can rely on the support of experienced coaches.
The tools for orientation, analysis, decision support and strengthening decision-making power come from the ‘Design Thinking’ method. We concentrate on creating realistic scenarios and play them through from the initial idea to the comprehensible implementation. In order to develop a new vision, we apply various idea generation strategies, both group-based and with an individual focus. The reflection of the framework of possibilities and the opening into completely new thought spaces do not stand in the way here, but balance themselves out to a concrete and tangible strategy.
Two Live Meetings
This is about personality development, experience and exchange within the group. Your life story in connection with your professional development is of importance. These days should bring you new insights for your professional future. You should find clear goal perspectives and possibilities for action, which give you the necessary self-confidence for the necessary steps.
These events provide key moments and insights into relationships through creative methods.
Dates: We are currently putting together a new course. Please let us know if you are interested!
Three coaching and consulting calls with Ludwig and Friederike
Each coaching call starts with a thematic introduction to current topics that are important to you. Then you have the opportunity to ask them your questions. Ludwig and Friederike take time for each question and respond to it individually.
Personal 1:2 Coaching with Ludwig and Friederike
60 minutes individual coaching
In this one-on-one coaching we will deal with your goals and your wishes. You play the leading role. Depending on your wishes we work on your positioning, your decisions or on the periodization for the next months.
Protected Facebook group
In our opinion, the exchange within the group has special opportunities for your process of reorientation. Not only at the live meetings do you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with us and the other participants, but also in our closed Facebook group there is always the opportunity to ask questions and get answers. In this group, Ludwig and Friederike provide you with timely help and feedback – sometimes the time until the next live meeting or online meeting is too long to get an answer that lets you go on. You can also network and interact with others in the Facebook group for the entire three months.
During the three months we will provide you with materials, exercise sheets and reading material.
After more than 20 years of work in the field, we know that the best information is only part of the story. A supportive community, two coaches who support you, are just as important as regular exchange and mindfulness. And this is exactly what you get in the seminar HAPPY NEW JOB.
A cooperation of the Research and Teaching Centre for Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting of the University of Kassel and Moving School e.V.
Coaching: Dr. Dipl. Ludwig Möller and Friederike Siebert
YOUR INVESTMENT Single payment: 695 Euro (gross) Payment in instalments: 3 instalments à 240 Euro
Registration here via the form or at ludwig.moeller@uni-kassel.de